Car Audio Speakers

Car Audio Speakers

Motorcycle / yacht 2 speakers + amplifier + radio + usb / sd + wireless remote

Are you looking for a high quality product? then Motorcycle / yacht 2 speakers + amplifier + radio + usb / sd + wireless remote is our recommendation for you. The customers who have tried the product are quite happy with the Motorcycle / yacht 2 speakers + amplifier + radio + usb / sd + wireless remote.

  • Working Voltage 10-16V DC
  • MAX power @ 4 50WX2
  • Wireless Remote
  • SD slot, usb device on the amp
  • RMS power @ 4 25WX2

Suitable for 12 Volts motorcycles, scooters and yachts

Specifications of the 100 watt amplifier & radio receiver

Details for loudspeaker
* THD 75dB * Channel separation >45dB * Frequency response 20Hz-50kHz * Sensitivity 50mv * SLIM REMOTE CONTROL INCLUDED * Frequency range 87.5--108MHz * Dot Matrix LCD FM frequency display * Usable sensitivity 5 v at S/N 26dB * Fuse rating 5A * USB Port: support USB 2.0 * SD slot: support 128MB,256MB,512MB,1GB,2GB/4GB * Working Voltage 10-16V DC * VoiceCoil Impedance: 4 * Resonc Frequency: 165HZ * Effective Frequency Range: Fo-12kHZ * Puiput Sound Pressure Level: 88dB * Rated Input Power: 15W * Max Input Power: 50W * Distortion: <= 5% * one year warranty

Motorcycle / yacht 2 speakers + amplifier + radio + usb / sd + wireless remote

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